Fostering Service and Joy
This quote from Rabindranath Tagore has got me thinking lately,
"I slept and dreamt that life was joy. Awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy."
I feel grateful for the value my parents have of showing up in service to others. They instilled in me this notion of pure motive.
Pure motive is the act of practicing - or plain living life - out of love for yourself, with a longing to know the truth, and for the benefit of all beings.
I aim to practice this in my daily life as an adult, but as I rank in years, I notice that this seed was planted long ago.
They religiously give a portion of their paychecks to community causes they cared about.
Offered up their time to help and listen to strangers.
Sent money to, or helped employ friends and family without question.
They offered prayers and healing energy to any person or group that they felt were experiencing even the slightest level of suffering.
Some may say their actions are naive. Or with an ulterior motive. And if you think the latter, I would agree with you. That motive, is pure motive.
They don't expect anything in return. It brings them joy. Acting in service, is the joy.
They make is seem so simple, don't they?
In all honesty sometimes my own suffering (jealousy, shame, criticism, worry) gets in the way of showing up in pure motive. And that's okay.
Here are five ways to show up in pure motive today, if you struggle with it from time to time too.
5 Ways To Act On Joy:
Start your morning with ten deep breaths and state an intention for your day. It can be 'to show up in service of others', if you are stuck.
Let someone you care about know that they are loved by you today.
Hold the door open for a stranger at the store, or next place you go.
The next time it seems like someone could simply use an ear to catch their thoughts, slow down and let them talk. Even if you feel you have 'better things to do' with your time.
Take this survey on balancing your nervous system, that I created. Your feedback helps me show up for community. I would be so appreciative of your insight.